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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Qatar Participates in 22nd GCC Transportation Ministers Committee Meeting

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Doha – Qatar

The State of Qatar participated in the 22nd Ministerial Committee of Transportation in the Gulf Cooperation Council held today via videoconferencing and attended by concerned GCC ministers and officials, with the Qatari delegation being headed by HE the Minister of Transport and Communications Jassim Saif Ahmed Al-Sulaiti.

Their Excellencies the Ministers discussed several topics relating to the impacts of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic on transportation and communication sector, as well as topics relating to the GCC railroad network project, the uniform regulations and controls for the granting of licenses for driving small maritime units and the updating of both the rules and instructions for GCC ports and the list of safety measures for vessels loaded with small cargos.

The meeting also reviewed topics of cooperation in land transportation particularly with relation to the uniform international road transportation system among GCC states and the general framework for preparing guidelines for traffic safety in the GCC countries.

The Ministers submitted their recommendations necessary for executing the resolutions of the Higher Council with regard to enhancing join Gulf action for the post-pandemic period, in addition to expanding the consultation studies on smart transportation patterns that GCC countries are deploying, aiming for covering all GCC states. Some recommendations also related to work mechanism for finalizing the studies and projects relating to a strategy on transportation and communications that would help broaden the economic integration between GCC states.