Doha – Qatar
The Ministry of Transport and Communications has organized the “Government Enterprise Architecture Workshop” (GEA) at Rotana Hotel.
The objective of the workshop is to build the practice of enterprise architecture in government entities in Qatar in alignment with the Qatar Digital Government Strategy.
MOTC has developed a Government Enterprise Architecture and Standards document that has been approved by the Qatar Digital Government Steering Committee in January 2018 for adoption by the government entities. At the workshop, the government entities, after being introduced to the topic, performed some exercises on how to implement it.
Attended by several representatives from ministries and government entities, the workshop included an introduction to the GEA and how it helps government entities provide more efficient services to end users. It then tackled the objectives and benefits of GEA, its tools and templates, government entities’ role in adopting it, and step-by-step guidelines on how those entities can create their catalogs and matrices.
MOTC officials demonstrated through presentations the GEA benefits. They said it helps provide mechanism to track alignment of investments and initiatives against strategic goals and KPIs and measure performance of business and IT services against defined KPIs. It also leads to efficient on-going governance of government wide enterprise architecture and provides a clear guidance to promote compliance and adoption of GEA reference models within agencies’ enterprise architecture.