The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) has launched a planning study to develop proposals to reduce the effects of school transport on Doha’s already heavily congested roads.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Land Transport Department at the MOTC has developed a questionnaire on school transport that will be sent to the parents of all pupils at every level of education, and at every type of educational institution.
The Ministry of Education and Higher Education will use its social networks and distribute the questionnaire to kindergartens and schools on 17 April, and will use SMS to remind parents to provide their feedback the following day. A questionnaire hyperlink will also be available on the websites of the two ministries to encourage the widest possible contribution from the public. The questionnaire can be accessed here:
This questionnaire will be vital in updating the Qatar Strategic Transport Model and the feedback received will help to better understand the dynamics of school transportation and its relation to the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the family.
Questionnaire answers will be used by the MOTC and bodies concerned to develop planning proposals for short- and long-term solutions and alternatives to encourage the use of bus school transport, thus helping reduce school trip effects on the road network.
Traffic on the roads is already dense during peak times, especially on school days, and it is hoped that the study will result in identifying ways in which school transport can be adapted to mitigate its impact on the network, while enhancing school bus services.