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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Ministry Attends 24th GCC Transport Undersecretaries’ Meeting

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Doha – Qatar

The Ministry of Transport has participated in the 24th Meeting of the GCC Undersecretaries of Ministries of Transport, held via videoconferencing and chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which presides over the current round.

The meeting reviewed the latest updates regarding the GCC Railways Authority and work progress on the GCC Railway project and the set date to carry out and operate the project.

The meeting also tackled the topics relative to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the GCC uniform system for universal land transportation

In addition to topics related to maritime transportation and harbors such as updating the uniform controls for the licensing of ship inspection companies, which are not subject to international maritime conventions and the uniform methodology for investigating marine incidents in the GCC countries.