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Preliminary Report A7-BCV-SINCID001024

This preliminary investigation report contains the factual information along with necessary details that have been established so far during the evidence collection phase, i.e. the initial phase of the investigation process. It does not contain any analysis or findings. These will be outlined in the investigation's final report. The information contained herein is released in accordance with QAAI Regulations and a recommendation in para 5.4.6 of Annex 13 (Thirteenth Edition July 2020) to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and has been articulated according to the guidelines provided in the ICAO Doc 9756 Part 2 (Para 2.1).

In the interest of safety, the information contained in this report may only be reproduced if the Civil Aircraft Accident and Incidents Investigation Unit (QAAI) as the source is acknowledged in a formal manner1 and provided that this use is done with accuracy and within the original context. This report, or the contents thereof, are not to be used for commercial, administrative, legal, or any other type of proceedings meant for any other purpose except safety2.

This report is in addition to the initial notification3. It is intended to provide a timely update to the aviation industry and the public with a brief description of the occurrence, its circumstances, significant facts, and other relevant information, including (more importantly) the mitigation measures that were implemented immediately after the occurrence along with the related corrective actions under consideration at the time of publishing of this report.

  • باللغة الانجليزية

    Preliminary Report A7-BCV-SINCID001024.pdf
